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Additional file 7 of Hidden biases in germline structural variant detection

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-21, 04:34 authored by Michael M. Khayat, Sayed Mohammad Ebrahim Sahraeian, Samantha Zarate, Andrew Carroll, Huixiao Hong, Bohu Pan, Leming Shi, Richard A. Gibbs, Marghoob Mohiyuddin, Yuanting Zheng, Fritz J. Sedlazeck
Additional file 7: Figure S1. Comparison of the distribution of singleton SVs across family members per center per sample. Figure S2. Comparison of the distribution of mean coverage by different SV mappers (Bowtie2, BWA-MEM, Isaac and Stampy) for LCL5. Figure S3. Examining evidence for variable singleton SVs from center (A) and mapper (B) using SVTyper.


National Institutes of Health (US) National Natural Science Foundation of China
