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Additional file 7 of Analysis of pir gene expression across the Plasmodium life cycle

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-11-26, 05:15 authored by Timothy S. Little, Deirdre A. Cunningham, Audrey Vandomme, Carlos Talavera Lopez, Sarah Amis, Christopher Alder, John W. G. Addy, Sarah McLaughlin, Caroline Hosking, George Christophides, Adam J. Reid, Jean Langhorne
Additional file 7: Fig. S1. (A) Pearson correlation plot of each transcriptome calculated from genome TPM values (0.04–1.00) for each stage from each experiment. The samples were clustered by hierarchical clustering using Ward’s clustering criterion (‘ward.d2’ setting in corrplot function [87], and six clusters are highlighted in boxes. Six clusters were chosen as most optimal with the ‘elbow method’ [88], as implemented through the factoextra package function ‘fviz_nbclust’ using k-means clustering and within cluster sums of squares. The Experiment codes are listed in Table 2.


francis crick institute imperial college london wellcome trust The Francis Crick Institute
