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Additional file 5 of Houston hurricane Harvey health (Houston-3H) study: assessment of allergic symptoms and stress after hurricane Harvey flooding

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-01-20, 04:33 authored by Abiodun O. Oluyomi, Kristen Panthagani, Jesus Sotelo, Xiangjun Gu, Georgina Armstrong, Dan Na Luo, Kristi L. Hoffman, Diana Rohlman, Lane Tidwell, Winifred J. Hamilton, Elaine Symanski, Kimberly Anderson, Joseph F. Petrosino, Cheryl Lyn Walker, Melissa Bondy
Additional file 5. Comparisons of the health outcomes reported by the participants that provided data at both T1 and T2 (N = 125). Several graphs and analysis output tables show the results from the analysis that comapred heath conditions at T1 versus T2 exclusively among the participants with repeated measures (the paired-samples; N = 125).


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
