13058_2021_1439_MOESM5_ESM.pdf (69.94 kB)

Additional file 5 of Development and external validation of a breast cancer absolute risk prediction model in Chinese population

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-05-30, 03:27 authored by Yuting Han, Jun Lv, Canqing Yu, Yu Guo, Zheng Bian, Yizhen Hu, Ling Yang, Yiping Chen, Huaidong Du, Fangyuan Zhao, Wanqing Wen, Xiao-Ou Shu, Yongbing Xiang, Yu-Tang Gao, Wei Zheng, Hong Guo, Peng Liang, Junshi Chen, Zhengming Chen, Dezheng Huo, Liming Li
Additional file 5. Show performance of the breast cancer prediction model across different predicted risk cutoffs in the China Kadoorie Biobank.


National Natural Science Foundation of China Breast Cancer Research Foundation National Key R&D Program of China Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute
