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Additional file 4: of Klotho expression is a prerequisite for proper muscle stem cell function and regeneration of skeletal muscle

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journal contribution
posted on 2018-07-04, 05:00 authored by Hellen Ahrens, Judith Huettemeister, Manuel Schmidt, Christoph Kaether, Julia von Maltzahn
Figure S4. Muscle stem cell function is impaired in adult ΔKlotho mice. (A) The activation potential (number of clusters per myofiber after 72 h of culture divided by the number of muscle stem cells per myofiber directly after isolation) (ΔKlotho n = 5 mice, control n = 7 mice). (B) Percentage of Pax7+/MyoD- cells within a cluster on myofibers isolated from p42 old mice. (ΔKlotho n = 5 mice, control n = 7 mice). (C) Percentage of Pax7+/MyoD+ cells within a cluster on myofibers isolated from p42 old mice. (ΔKlotho n = 5 mice, control n = 7 mice). (D) Percentage of Pax7−/MyoD− cells within clusters on myofibers isolated from p42 old mice. (ΔKlotho n = 5 mice, control n = 7 mice). All data are presented as means ± SEM. *p < 0.05. (PDF 511 kb)


Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
