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Additional file 3 of Small-molecule HDAC and Akt inhibitors suppress tumor growth and enhance immunotherapy in multiple myeloma

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-03-25, 08:40 authored by Mitsuhito Hirano, Yoichi Imai, Yuta Kaito, Takahiko Murayama, Kota Sato, Tadao Ishida, Junichi Yamamoto, Takumi Ito, Muneyoshi Futami, Masaki Ri, Hiroshi Yasui, Tamami Denda, Yukihisa Tanaka, Yasunori Ota, Masanori Nojima, Yasuhiko Kamikubo, Noriko Gotoh, Shinsuke Iida, Hiroshi Handa, Arinobu Tojo
Additional file 3: Figure S3. MTT proliferation assay in MM cell lines and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMNCs) from healthy donors treated with CUDC-907. (a-h) each cell line was treated with DMSO, 10 nM CUDC-907, 25 nM CUDC-907, or 50 nM CUDC-907 for 72 h. the average was calculated for each experiment performed in quintuplicate (n = 5). (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, “ns” indicates no significant difference.) (i) PBMNCs were treated with DMSO, 2 μM ACY-1215 (ACY), 4 μM afuresertib (Afu), or a combination of ACY-1215 and afuresertib (comb) and 10 nM CUDC-907 (CUDC-907) for 72 h. the average was calculated for each experiment performed in quintuplicate (n = 5). (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, “ns” indicates no significant difference).


Janssen Pharmaceuticals Bristol-Myers Squibb Okinaka Memorial Institute for Medical Research Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Takeda Pharmaceutical Company AbbVie MSD K.K.
