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Additional file 3 of Carriage of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in a high-density informal settlement in Kenya is associated with environmental risk-factors

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-01-23, 04:32 authored by Sylvia Omulo, Eric T. Lofgren, Svetlana Lockwood, Samuel M. Thumbi, Godfrey Bigogo, Alice Ouma, Jennifer R. Verani, Bonventure Juma, M. Kariuki Njenga, Samuel Kariuki, Terry F. McElwain, Guy H. Palmer, Douglas R. Call
Additional file 3. Nine of the most abundant (found in > of all E. coli isolates) resistance phenotypes out of 148 unique combinations. The number of isolates and their proportional representation (%) of the total are shown. Profile marked with an asterisk (*) denotes the penta-resistant phenotype.
