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Additional file 3 of CCR5 antagonist reduces HIV-induced amyloidogenesis, tau pathology, neurodegeneration, and blood-brain barrier alterations in HIV-infected hu-PBL-NSG mice

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-11-23, 04:32 authored by Biju Bhargavan, Shawna M. Woollard, Jo Ellyn McMillan, Georgette D. Kanmogne
Additional file 3: Supplemental Fig. 3. MVC reduced RAGE and increased LRP1 expression in primary HBMEC, and increased transendothelial Aβ transport. RAGE (a, b) and LRP1 (a, c) levels in primary HBMEC were analyzed by Western blot (a) followed by densitometry quantification normalized to each sample’s β-actin levels (b, c). Levels of Aβ in trypsinized HBMEC lysates (upper chamber of the transwell) (d) and in the lower chamber culture media (e) were quantified by ELISA. Each treatment condition was performed in duplicate. #P < 0.0001, ***[(b) P = 0.0006, (c) P = 0.0004, (d) P = 0.0003]; **[(b) P = 0.0015, (e) P = 0.003)]; *[(b) P = 0.04, (c) P = 0.03]. For panel d, *P = 0.048 compared to Aβ-exposed HBMEC not treated with MVC. “Vehicle” represents DMSO only treatment; inh: inhibitor. Error bars represent SD


National Institute of Mental Health
