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Additional file 2 of Serial measurement of pancreatic stone protein for the early detection of sepsis in intensive care unit patients: a prospective multicentric study

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-04-21, 03:39 authored by Jérôme Pugin, Thomas Daix, Jean-Luc Pagani, Davide Morri, Angelo Giacomucci, Pierre-François Dequin, Christophe Guitton, Yok-Ai Que, Gianluca Zani, David Brealey, Alain Lepape, Ben Creagh-Brown, Duncan Wyncoll, Daniela Silengo, Irina Irincheeva, Laurie Girard, Fabien Rebeaud, Iwan Maerki, Philippe Eggimann, Bruno François
Additional file 2: Figure 1. The abioSCOPE® device and its in vitro diagnostic CAPSULE pancreatic stone protein.


Abionic SA
