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Additional file 2 of Open-label randomized controlled trial of ultra-low tidal ventilation without extracorporeal circulation in patients with COVID-19 pneumonia and moderate to severe ARDS: study protocol for the VT4COVID trial

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-10-12, 03:36 authored by Jean-Christophe Richard, Hodane Yonis, Laurent Bitker, Sylvain Roche, Florent Wallet, Claire Dupuis, Hassan Serrier, Laurent Argaud, Guillaume Thiery, Bertrand Delannoy, Christian Pommier, Paul Abraham, Michel Muller, Frederic Aubrun, Florian Sigaud, Guillaume Rigault, Emilie Joffredo, Mehdi Mezidi, Nicolas Terzi, Muriel Rabilloud
Additional file 2. Study protocol version 4.


French Ministry of Health (PHRCI 2020)
