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Additional file 2 of Global population genetic structure and demographic trajectories of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-05-06, 03:39 authored by Cengiz Kaya, Tomas N. Generalovic, Gunilla Ståhls, Martin Hauser, Ana C. Samayoa, Carlos G. Nunes-Silva, Heather Roxburgh, Jens Wohlfahrt, Ebenezer A. Ewusie, Marc Kenis, Yupa Hanboonsong, Jesus Orozco, Nancy Carrejo, Satoshi Nakamura, Laura Gasco, Santos Rojo, Chrysantus M. Tanga, Rudolf Meier, Clint Rhode, Christine J. Picard, Chris D. Jiggins, Florian Leiber, Jeffery K. Tomberlin, Martin Hasselmann, Wolf U. Blanckenhorn, Martin Kapun, Christoph Sandrock
Additional file 2: Table S2. Microsatellite marker characteristics of the novel Hermetia illucens population genetics tool kit. Table S3. Population genetic characteristics of 150 wild and captive Hermetia illucens populations. Table S4. Countries of origin of investigated Hermetia illucens populations. Table S5. Population genetic characteristics according to subcontinental origin and provenance status (wild vs. captive). Table S6. Diversity and pairwise differentiation of globally inferred genetic clusters of Hermetia illucens. Table S7. AMOVA nesting provenance (wild vs. captive) within subcontinents for worldwide Hermetia illucens populations. Table S8. Model-based estimates of contrasts and significance levels for population-specific allelic richness. Table S9. Genetic isolation by distance for selected hierarchical groupings. Table S10. Specifications on the global distribution of Hermetia illucens genetic clusters presented in Fig. 4. Table S11. Details on ABC analyses. Table S12. Posterior probabilities of demographic models inferred from ABC analyses. Table S13. Estimates of posterior distributions of population genetic parameters inferred from ABC analyses. Table S14. Selected group comparisons of inbreeding coefficients FIS. Table S15. Group-specific comparisons of variance component ratios for linkage disequilibrium between (DST) and within (DIS) populations. Table S16. Microsatellite properties relevant for ABC analyses. Figure S1. Discriminatory power of the novel microsatellite marker set for Hermetia illucens genotyping. Figure S2. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for individual microsatellite loci tested within populations. Figure S3. Computational details on genetic cluster analyses and retaining discriminatory functions for visualisation. Figure S4. Global population genetic patterns of Hermetia illucens according to provenance (wild vs. captive) nested within subcontinent of origin. Figure S5. Neighbour-joining tree based on population pairwise FST across 150 Hermetia illucens populations. Figure S6. Demographic inference with ABC. Figure S7. Detection of hybrids and backcrosses: a west African case of introgression. Figure S8. Detection of hybrids and backcrosses: case-specific analyses of central-east African populations and predominantly farmed populations from Asia.


Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft Swiss National Science Foundation Swiss National Science Foundation Austrian Science Foundation Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research National Research Foundation, South Africa


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