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Additional file 2 of Evaluating the potential for respiratory metagenomics to improve treatment of secondary infection and detection of nosocomial transmission on expanded COVID-19 intensive care units

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-11-17, 04:30 authored by Themoula Charalampous, Adela Alcolea-Medina, Luke B. Snell, Tom G. S. Williams, Rahul Batra, Christopher Alder, Andrea Telatin, Luigi Camporota, Christopher I. S. Meadows, Duncan Wyncoll, Nicholas A. Barrett, Carolyn J. Hemsley, Lisa Bryan, William Newsholme, Sara E. Boyd, Anna Green, Ula Mahadeva, Amita Patel, Penelope R. Cliff, Andrew J. Page, Justin O’Grady, Jonathan D. Edgeworth
Additional file 2: Figs. S1-S3. Fig. S1A-B. Post mortem histological analysis of focal invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA). Fig. S2. Receiver Operator Curve (ROC) curve analysis based on discordant testing (CMg+qPCR) performed for the training set. Fig. S3. WIMP alignment q-score plotted against the equivalent centrifuge score. Tested WIMP alignment q-scores are plotted on the y axis against the equivalent centrifuge score on the x axis.


National Institute for Health Research Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council Innovate UK guy's & st thomas' charity
