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Additional file 2 of Diagnostic chest X-rays and breast cancer risk among women with a hereditary predisposition to breast cancer unexplained by a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-04, 03:24 authored by Maximiliano Ribeiro Guerra, Juliette Coignard, Séverine Eon-Marchais, Marie-Gabrielle Dondon, Dorothée Le Gal, Juana Beauvallet, Noura Mebirouk, Muriel Belotti, Olivier Caron, Marion Gauthier-Villars, Isabelle Coupier, Bruno Buecher, Alain Lortholary, Jean-Pierre Fricker, Paul Gesta, Catherine Noguès, Laurence Faivre, Pascaline Berthet, Elisabeth Luporsi, Capucine Delnatte, Valérie Bonadona, Christine M. Maugard, Pascal Pujol, Christine Lasset, Michel Longy, Yves-Jean Bignon, Claude Adenis-Lavignasse, Laurence Venat-Bouvet, Hélène Dreyfus, Laurence Gladieff, Isabelle Mortemousque, Séverine Audebert-Bellanger, Florent Soubrier, Sophie Giraud, Sophie Lejeune-Dumoulin, Jean-Marc Limacher, Jean Chiesa, Anne Fajac, Anne Floquet, François Eisinger, Julie Tinat, Sandra Fert-Ferrer, Chrystelle Colas, Thierry Frebourg, Francesca Damiola, Laure Barjhoux, Eve Cavaciuti, Sylvie Mazoyer, Anne Tardivon, Fabienne Lesueur, Dominique Stoppa-Lyonnet, Nadine Andrieu
Additional file 2: doc includes ‘Supplementary tables’. Supplemental Table 1. Comparison of the distribution of the characteristics between the subset of cases and controls with and without sequenced genes. Supplemental Table 2. Effect of lifetime chest X-ray exposure (any exposure) on breast cancer risk according to the number of exposures, the age at first exposure and the first full-term pregnancy by age at censor. Supplemental Table 3. Effect of lifetime chest X-ray exposure (any exposure) on breast cancer risk according to the number of exposures, the age at first exposure and the first full-term pregnancy by family history of breast cancer. Supplemental Table 4. Effect of variant carrier status on breast cancer in the GENESIS population. Supplemental Table 5. Effect of lifetime chest X-ray exposure (any exposure) on breast cancer risk according to the number of exposures, the age at first exposure and the first full-term pregnancy by birth cohort, after imputation of missing data. Supplemental Table 6. Effect of lifetime chest X-ray exposure (any exposure) on breast cancer risk according to the number of exposures, the age at first exposure and the first full-term pregnancy by age at censoring, after imputation of missing data. Supplemental Table 7. Effect of lifetime chest X-ray exposure (any exposure) on breast cancer risk according to the number of exposures, the age at first exposure and the first full-term pregnancy by family history of breast cancer and by variant carrier status, after imputation of missing data. Supplemental Table 8. Effect of lifetime chest X-ray exposure (any exposure) on breast cancer risk according to the number of exposures, the age at first exposure and the first full-term pregnancy stratified by variant carrier status, after imputation of missing data. Supplemental Table 9. Effect of lifetime chest X-ray exposure (any exposure) on breast cancer risk according to the number of exposures, the age at first exposure and the first full-term pregnancy by status of tumor estrogen receptors, after imputation of missing data. Supplemental Table 10. Effect of lifetime chest X-ray exposure (any exposure) on breast cancer risk according to the number of exposures, the age at first exposure and the first full-term pregnancy among cases diagnosed within 5 years before enrollment in GENESIS. Supplemental Table 11. Sensitivity analyses with varying bounds of OR for the definition of genetic variant group: effect of lifetime chest X-ray exposure (any exposure) on breast cancer risk according to the number of exposures, the age at first exposure and the first full-term pregnancy. Supplemental Table 12. Sensitivity analyses by variants group, excluding variants from the ‘High’ Group in genes individually statistically (or borderline) associated with an increased risk of breast cancer in GENESIS population.


Brazilian National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education – CAPES Ligue Contre le Cancer Institut National Du Cancer the comprehensive cancer center SiRIC
