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Additional file 2 of Assessing Bos taurus introgression in the UOA Bos indicus assembly

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-19, 04:20 authored by Maulana M. Naji, Yuri T. Utsunomiya, Johann Sölkner, Benjamin D. Rosen, Gábor Mészáros
Additional file 2: Figure S1. Density function of $$\Delta$$ Δ values. Figure S2. Distribution of nearly fixed alternative allele-NFAA sites considering Bohai as taurine for alignment against ARS_UCD1.2. Figure S3. Z-score transformation of nearly fixed alternative allele-NFAA sites distribution for alignment against ARS_UCD1.2. Figure S4. Boxplot of nearly fixed alternative allele-NFAA sites for alignment against ARS_UCD1.2. Figure S5. Distribution of nearly fixed alternative allele-NFAA sites considering Bohai as taurine for alignment against UOA_Brahman_1. Figure S6. Boxplot of nearly fixed alternative allele-NFAA sites for alignment against UOA_Brahman_1. Figure S7. Z-score transformation of the nearly fixed alternative allele-NFAA sites distribution for alignment against UOA_Brahman_1. Figure S8. Cross-validation error for the admixture analysis.


Ernst Mach Grant, ASEA UNINET
