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Additional file 1 of geneBasis: an iterative approach for unsupervised selection of targeted gene panels from scRNA-seq

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-07, 04:59 authored by Alsu Missarova, Jaison Jain, Andrew Butler, Shila Ghazanfar, Tim Stuart, Maigan Brusko, Clive Wasserfall, Harry Nick, Todd Brusko, Mark Atkinson, Rahul Satija, John C. Marioni
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Schematic visualisation for cell neighbourhood preservation score workflow. Fig. S2. Systematic assessment of the ‘completeness’ of the generated gene panels. Fig. S3. SCMER introduces redundancy in the selections when selecting a small number of genes. Fig. S4. geneBasis is robust to initial selections and quickly finds missing sources of variation. Fig. S5. geneBasis accounts for batch effects even with highly unbalanced celltype composition. Fig. S6. Detailed analysis of the gene selection for mouse embryogenesis. Fig. S7. Detailed analysis of the selection for spleen and pancreas . Panels A-D correspond to spleen; panels E-G correspond to pancreas. Fig. S8. geneBasis selects genes that recover biological heterogeneity in seqFISH datasets. Fig. S9. Performing PCA for mapping manifolds with selections does not change cell neighborhood preservation score or gene prediction score. Fig. S10. Minkowski distance of order p=3 provides the resolution to select rare markers and genes expressed in a low fraction of cells.


national institutes of health royal society (gb) leona m. and harry b. helmsley charitable trust cancer research uk European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) (4843)
