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Additional file 1 of WRAP-based nanoparticles for siRNA delivery: a SAR study and a comparison with lipid-based transfection reagents

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-08-12, 04:00 authored by Karidia Konate, Emilie Josse, Milana Tasic, Karima Redjatti, Gudrun Aldrian, Sébastien Deshayes, Prisca Boisguérin, Eric Vivès
Additional file 1: Table S1. Conditions for siRNA transfection from commercially available transfection reagents. Fig. S1. Evaluation of the long-term stability of the WRAP-PBNs by measuring their luciferase activity. Fig. S2. CD spectra of WRAP1 and its analogues as described in Table 1. Fig. S3. CD spectra of WRAP5 and its analogues as described in Table 1. Fig. S4. Comparison of luciferase silencing of WRAP-based NPs depending on their formulation conditions. Fig. S5. Effect of heparin on the stability of siRNA-loaded nanoparticles by gel shift assay. Fig. S6. Evaluation of the cellular siRNA internalization by WRAP peptides and their analogues. Fig. S7. Evaluation of the WRAP peptides and their analogues in terms of cell cytotoxicity and viability. Fig. S8. Comparison of the lead WRAP-based PBNs with other transfection reagents.


Ligue Contre le Cancer
