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Additional file 1 of Vivax malaria in Duffy-negative patients shows invariably low asexual parasitaemia: implication towards malaria control in Ethiopia

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-08-02, 08:33 authored by Andargie Abate, Isabelle Bouyssou, Solenne Mabilotte, Cecile Doderer-Lang, Laurent Dembele, Didier Menard, Lemu Golassa
Additional file 1: Table S1. Summarized statistics of the regression equations (weighted least-squares regression) tested as the best-fitting regression model between P. vivax parasitemia estimated by microscopy and qPCR Ct values. Figure S1. Distribution of the qPCR Ct values of the 138 P. vivax blood samples collected from P.vivax infected patients, 2019–2021. The median (range) Ct value was 19.07 (12.92–36.62). The Outlier detection using the Tukey test revealed 12 (8.7%) outside values in the sample set (red dots). Figure S2. Scatter diagram of the best-fitting regression model (exponential curve as regression equation) between qPCR Ct values and microscopy results from the 14 blood samples. Figure S3. Passing–Bablok regression: scatter diagram and regression line of P. vivax parasitemia defined by microscopy and parasitemia deduced from qPCR Ct values. The Intercept (95% CI) were – 9.92 (− 163.02 to 37.33); the Slope (95% CI) 0.93 (0.84–1.14) and the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (95% CI) 0.87 (0.78–0.93, P < 10–5). Figure S4. Distribution of the P. vivax parasitemia deduced from qPCR Ct values. The median (range) P. vivax asexual parasitemia of the 138 infected study participants was 4804 (38–26,278) parasites/µL. The Tukey test (Outlier detection) detected 12 (8.7%) samples with far-out values (below 110 parasites/µL).


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership (EDCTP) Malaria Genetics and Resistance Unit, Department of Parasites and Insect Vectors of Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
