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Additional file 1 of The cell cycle, autophagy, and cell wall integrity pathway jointly governed by MoSwe1 in Magnaporthe oryzae

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-10, 04:40 authored by Lin Li, Xue-Ming Zhu, Jian-Dong Bao, Jiao-Yu Wang, Xiao-Hong Liu, Fu-Cheng Lin
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Alignment and comparison of Swe1 and its homologues in many eukaryotes and Swe1 protein structure. Fig. S2. Establishment of gene deletion and identification of knockout mutants. Fig. S3. The ΔMoSwe1 mutant is not sensitive to the DNA replication inhibitor HU and cell cycle for appressorium formation at 24 hpi in M. oryzae. Fig. S4. ΔMoswe1-N2-C strain affects virulence, and MoSwe1 influences the localization of the septin ring in M. oryzae. Fig. S5. Glycogen and lipid body utilization and degradation in the ΔMoswe1 mutant. Fig. S6. Metabolomics and transcriptomics analysis indicates that MoSwe1 participates in glycogen and fatty acid metabolism and the autophagy pathway. Table S1. Primers in this study.


National Natural Science Foundation of China Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province
