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Additional file 1 of Nonlinear causal effects of estimated glomerular filtration rate on myocardial infarction risks: Mendelian randomization study

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-02-03, 04:31 authored by Sehoon Park, Soojin Lee, Yaerim Kim, Semin Cho, Hyeok Huh, Kwangsoo Kim, Yong Chul Kim, Seung Seok Han, Hajeong Lee, Jung Pyo Lee, Kwon Wook Joo, Chun Soo Lim, Yon Su Kim, Dong Ki Kim
Additional file 1: Supplemental Methods. Detailed methods for the Mendelian randomization analysis. Supplemental Figure 1. Distribution of the phenotypical eGFR values and allele scores for log-transformed eGFR. Supplemental Table 1. Genetic instruments for log-transformed eGFR based on creatinine levels. Supplemental Table 2. Genetic instruments for log-transformed eGFR based on cystatin C levels. Supplemental Table 3. Localized averaged causal estimates calculated from 100 percentile ranges of strata according to the instrument-free exposure.


Ministry of Health and Welfare
