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Additional file 1 of Non-invasive ventilation versus high-flow nasal oxygen for postextubation respiratory failure in ICU: a post-hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-06-29, 03:45 authored by Arnaud W. Thille, Grégoire Monseau, Rémi Coudroy, Mai-Anh Nay, Arnaud Gacouin, Maxens Decavèle, Romain Sonneville, François Beloncle, Christophe Girault, Laurence Dangers, Alexandre Lautrette, Quentin Levrat, Anahita Rouzé, Emmanuel Vivier, Jean-Baptiste Lascarrou, Jean-Damien Ricard, Keyvan Razazi, Guillaume Barberet, Christine Lebert, Stephan Ehrmann, Alexandre Massri, Jeremy Bourenne, Gael Pradel, Pierre Bailly, Nicolas Terzi, Jean Dellamonica, Guillaume Lacave, René Robert, Stéphanie Ragot, Jean-Pierre Frat
Additional file 1. Comparison between patients who were discharged alive from ICU and those who died in ICUs after post-extubation respiratory failure.


Ministère des Affaires Sociales, de la Santé et des Droits des Femmes
