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Additional file 1 of Mammary collagen architecture and its association with mammographic density and lesion severity among women undergoing image-guided breast biopsy

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-11-10, 04:30 authored by Clara Bodelon, Maeve Mullooly, Ruth M. Pfeiffer, Shaoqi Fan, Mustapha Abubakar, Petra Lenz, Pamela M. Vacek, Donald L. Weaver, Sally D. Herschorn, Jason M. Johnson, Brian L. Sprague, Stephen Hewitt, John Shepherd, Serghei Malkov, Patricia J. Keely, Kevin W. Eliceiri, Mark E. Sherman, Matthew W. Conklin, Gretchen L. Gierach
Additional file 1. Description of the characteristics of the women included in the study, the tumor characteristics for the cases, and the ROIs. It also includes tables with associations between participant characteristics and collagen fiber characteristics, mammographic density measures and histolic tissue composition, and between collagen fiber characteristics and tumor characteristics.


Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute National Cancer Institute (NCI)
