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Additional file 1 of Lung histopathologic clusters in severe COVID-19: a link between clinical picture and tissue damage

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-12-14, 04:38 authored by Maddalena Alessandra Wu, Gianluca Lopez, Manuela Nebuloni, Davide Ottolina, Jonathan Montomoli, Luca Carsana, Tommaso Fossali, Antonio Castelli, Roberto Rech, Chiara Cogliati, Emanuele Catena, Riccardo Colombo
Additional file 1. List of clinical-laboratory variables considered in the statistical analysis. Table S1. Clinical-biochemical-radiological characteristics of patients included in the final data analysis. Table S2. Histopathologic findings. Fig. S1. Flow chart of the patient selection. Fig. S2. Correlation matrix. Fig. S3. Choice of the number of clusters (K). Fig. S4. Distribution of intervals from symptoms onset to hospital admission, from symptoms to dispnoea onset, from symptoms onset to MV start, and from CPAP to MV start among clusters. Fig. S5. Kaplan Meier curves of all analyzed patients. Fig. S6. Kaplan Meier curves of clusters of patients treated with positive pressure ventilation. Fig. S7. Histopathology of a case with aspergillosis.
