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Additional file 1 of Inflammatory monocytes and microglia play independent roles in inflammatory ictogenesis

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journal contribution
posted on 2022-01-30, 04:17 authored by Charles L. Howe, Reghann G. LaFrance-Corey, Brittany L. Overlee, Renee K. Johnson, Benjamin D. S. Clarkson, Emma N. Goddery
Additional file 1: Fig. S1. Gating strategy for brain-infiltrating leukocyte analyses. Singlets are further refined by GFP intensity or CD45-positivity and then sub-gated on Gr1 or 1A8 and CD11b. Cells that are GFP bright are Gr1-positive and 1A8-positive neutrophils, while cells that are GFP mid are Gr1-positive 1A8-negative inflammatory monocytes.


National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
