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Additional file 1 of Impact of uORFs in mediating regulation of translation in stress conditions

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-05-16, 03:13 authored by Simone G. Moro, Cedric Hermans, Jorge Ruiz-Orera, M. Mar Albà
Additional file 1: Table S1. Number of genes with higher number of reads in the 5’UTR vs CDS in stress than in normal conditions (S/N > 0) and the other way round (S/N < 0). Table S2. Functional term analysis for genes with uORFs. Table S3. Defining the type of gene regulation using DGE data from RNA-Seq and Ribo-Seq. Table S4. Gene Ontology term enrichment for genes regulated during stress. Table S5. Analysis of genes showing significant changes in translational efficiency (TE) between stress and normal conditions. Table S6. Sequence datasets used in the study. Figure S1. Log10 ratio of 5’UTR to CDS RNA-Seq reads in stress versus normal conditions in the three experiments. Figure S2. Log10 ratio of translated uORF to CDS Ribo-Seq reads in stress versus normal conditions in the three experiments. Figure S3. Three nucleotide periodicity of uORF mapped Ribo-Seq reads. Figure S4. Changes in translational efficiency (TE) at the 5’UTR versus the CDS. Figure S5. Pairwise Spearman correlation values in the number of mapped reads per gene. Figure S6. Enrichment in mRNAs with increased or decreased TE in different DGE classes. Figure S7. Ribosome density at the uORFs and downstream CDS is positively correlated. Figure S8. Ribosome density at the uORFs and downstream CDS is positively correlated. Figure S9. Comparison of changes in Ribo-Seq mapped reads in CDS and translated uORFs, for genes upregulated at the level of translation. Figure S10. Random subsampling of genes with the same number of data-points as datasets in Fig. 2. Figure S11. Comparison of changes in Ribo-Seq mapped reads for different gene sets.
