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Additional file 1 of Impact of a restrictive antibiotic policy on the acquisition of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in an endemic region: a before-and-after, propensity-matched cohort study in a Caribbean intensive care unit

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-07-27, 03:28 authored by Christophe Le Terrier, Marco Vinetti, Paul Bonjean, Régine Richard, Bruno Jarrige, Bertrand Pons, Benjamin Madeux, Pascale Piednoir, Fanny Ardisson, Elain Elie, Frédéric Martino, Marc Valette, Edouard Ollier, Sébastien Breurec, Michel Carles, Guillaume Thiéry
Additional file 1. Additional information about the restrictive antibiotic protocol, the results and the statistical analysis (file format in .pdf). I/ Restrictive antibiotic treatment protocol from 1 January 2015 to 31 December 2015. Part 1. Initiation of antibiotic therapy. Part 2. Choice of the molecule. Part 3. Duration therapy. II/ Additional Tables and Figures. Table 1a: Prevalence of resistant bacteria in the hospital and in the ICU, 2014–2015. Table 1b: Prevalence of resistant bacteria in the hospital according to the unit and the origin of samples, 2014–2015. Table 2: Demographic characteristics, comorbidities, and diagnosis upon admission to the ICU of all included patients. Table 3: Sepsis category during the study period. Figure 1a: Absolute main differences before and after weighted adjustment in the main analysis sample. Figure 1b: Absolute main differences before and after weighted adjustment in the subgroup receiving antibiotherapy. Figure 1c: Absolute main differences before and after weighted adjustment in the subgroup in septic shock. Figure 2: ROC curve of the propensity score in the main analysis.
