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Additional file 1 of Identification of factors associated with stillbirth in Zimbabwe – a cross sectional study

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-30, 03:30 authored by Kushupika Dube, Tina Lavender, Kieran Blaikie, Christopher J. Sutton, Alexander E. P. Heazell, Rebecca M. D. Smyth
Additional file 1: Supplementary Figure 1. Theoretical Directed Acyclic Graph to identify potential relationships between social, behavioural and medical factors and stillbirth. Factors in blue are outcome variables, those in green with an arrow are exposures of interest and those in grey are unmeasured factors. Diagram created in Dagitty Version Version 3.0.8 SES = Socioeconomic status, HIV – Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Syph/Tet – Syphilis serology and Tetanus vaccination.
