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Additional file 1 of Different microbial and resistance patterns in primary total knee arthroplasty infections – a report on 283 patients from Lithuania and Sweden

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-09-18, 03:20 authored by Sujeesh Sebastian, Erdem Aras Sezgin, Justinas Stučinskas, Šarūnas Tarasevičius, Yang Liu, Deepak Bhushan Raina, Magnus Tägil, Lars Lidgren, Annette W-Dahl
Additional file 1: Supplementary Table 1. Distribution of bacterial combinations in polymicrobial infections. Supplementary Table 2. Number of pathogens tested for and susceptibility to selected antimicrobial agents in patients with PJI reported from Sweden. Susceptibility to selected antimicrobial agents presented as the number of susceptible isolates divided by the number of all isolates tested against the respective agent. Supplementary Table 3. Number of pathogens tested for and susceptibility to selected antimicrobial agents in patients with PJI reported from Lithuania. Susceptibility to selected antimicrobial agents presented as the number of susceptible isolates divided by the number of all isolates tested against the respective agent.


Lund University
