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Additional file 1 of Continued improvement in disease manifestations of acid sphingomyelinase deficiency for adults with up to 2 years of olipudase alfa treatment: open-label extension of the ASCEND trial

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-12-03, 04:20 authored by Melissa P. Wasserstein, Robin Lachmann, Carla Hollak, Antonio Barbato, Renata C. Gallagher, Roberto Giugliani, Norberto Bernardo Guelbert, Julia B. Hennermann, Takayuki Ikezoe, Olivier Lidove, Paulina Mabe, Eugen Mengel, Maurizio Scarpa, Ebubekir Senates, Michel Tchan, Jesus Villarrubia, Beth L. Thurberg, Abhimanyu Yarramaneni, Nicole M. Armstrong, Yong Kim, Monica Kumar
Additional file 1: Supplemental Figure 1. Individual responses over time for liver volumes (A), spleen volumes (B), and derived % predicted DLCO adjusted for hemoglobin and pressure (C), and Supplementary Table 1. Observed values and percent change from baseline for fasting plasma lipoprotein and lipid levels.


