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Additional file 1 of Cerebrospinal fluid drainage kinetics across the cribriform plate are reduced with aging

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journal contribution
posted on 2020-12-01, 05:42 authored by Molly Brady, Akib Rahman, Abigail Combs, Chethana Venkatraman, R. Tristan Kasper, Conor McQuaid, Wing-Chi Edmund Kwok, Ronald W. Wood, Rashid Deane
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Analysis of CSF outflow kinetics. Figure S2. Ex vivo images of CSF outflow regions at 150 min. Figure S3. Ex vivo images of CSF outflow regions at 30 mins. Figure S4. Images of the optic nerves and ventral spinal column at 30 min. Figure S5. Albumin distribution at the cervical lymph nodes and Prox1Tom dural expression. Figure S6. Aging alters CSF outflow kinetics. Table S1. Deducible kinetic parameters for the superior sagittal sinus (SS) and transverse sinus (TS).


National Institute on Aging National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
