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Additional file 1 of Associations between CD160 polymorphisms and autoimmune thyroid disease: a case-control study

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-07-09, 03:26 authored by Weiwei He, Jing Zhao, Xuerong Liu, Sheli Li, Kaida Mu, Jing Zhang, Jin-an Zhang
Additional file 1: Supplementary Table 1. Allele frequencies and genotype distribution of CD160 polymorphisms between GD patients and controls in the subgroup analysis by ophthalmopathy. Supplementary Table 2. Allele frequencies and genotype distribution of CD160 polymorphisms between AITD patients and controls in females. Supplementary Table 3. Allele frequencies and genotype distribution of CD160 polymorphisms between AITD patients and controls in males. Supplementary Table 4. Allele frequencies and genotype distribution of CD160 polymorphisms between AITD patients and controls stratified by family history. Supplementary Table 5. Allele frequencies and genotype distribution of CD160 polymorphisms between GD patients and controls stratified by family history. Supplementary Table 6. Allele frequencies and genotype distribution of CD160 polymorphisms between HT patients and controls stratified by family history. Supplementary Table 7. Allele frequencies and genotype distribution of CD160 polymorphisms between AITD patients and controls stratified by goiter.


National Natural Science Foundation of China
