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Additional file 1 of Association between BMI trajectories in late-middle age and subsequent dementia risk in older age: a 26-year population-based cohort study

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journal contribution
posted on 2023-11-25, 04:41 authored by Zijian Qin, Zheran Liu, Ruidan Li, Yaxin Luo, Zhigong Wei, Ling He, Yiyan Pei, Yonglin Su, Xiaolin Hu, Xingchen Peng
Additional file 1: Figure S1. The flow chart of the study population. Figure S2. The correlation between BMI trend, BMI variations and average BMIs. Spearman's rank order correlation was utilized to assess these relationships. The numbers represent the Spearman's rank coefficient, with "***" indicating statistical significance at p < 0.001. Figure S3. The restricted cubic splines showing the non-linear association test between the BMI trend (A) and BMI variation (B) in late-middle age and dementia in older age. Figure S4. The association between BMI trajectories in late-middle age and risk of dementia in older age in genetic sub-cohort analyses after adjusted for the polygenetic score of cognition performance. Figure S5. The association between BMI trajectories in late-middle age and risk of dementia in older age stratified by pre-defined subgroups. Table S1. Comparison of covariates between participants excluded due to lack of followup cognitive information and included study participants. Table S2. Baseline characteristics of BMI indicators, stratified by the cognitive status after age 65. Table S3. The association between BMI trend (three-category) in late-middle age and risk of dementia in older age. Table S4. The baseline characteristics of participants included in the genetic analyses. Table S5. The association between polygenetic score (PGS) and risk of dementia in older age. Table S6. Sensitivity analyses BMI trajectories in late-middle age and risk of dementia in older age.


National Natural Science Foundation of China Sichuan Province Science and Technology Support Program West China Nursing Discipline Development Special Fund Project the Technology Innovation Project of Chengdu Science and Technology Bureau Postdoctoral research and Development Fund and Translational medicine fund of West China Hospital


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