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Additional file 1 of Artificial intelligence improves the accuracy of residents in the diagnosis of hip fractures: a multicenter study

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journal contribution
posted on 2021-05-04, 03:53 authored by Yoichi Sato, Yasuhiko Takegami, Takamune Asamoto, Yutaro Ono, Tsugeno Hidetoshi, Ryosuke Goto, Akira Kitamura, Seiwa Honda
Additional file 1 : Supplemental methods. Supplemental Figure 1. Image preprocessing. Supplemental Figure 2. Configuration diagram of the EfficientNet-B4 model. Supplemental Figure 3. The machine learning process. Supplemental Figure 4. The diagnostic test for clinicians. Supplemental Figure 5. Validation of the accuracy of heat maps generated by Grad-CAM [34, 35].
