pntd.0011672.s004.pdf (115.53 kB)

A concatenated 11,972 bp alignment of the S, M, and L segments was used to infer a maximum likelihood phylogeny of New World Hantaviruses.

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journal contribution
posted on 2024-01-12, 18:38 authored by Paris S. Salazar-Hamm, William L. Johnson, Robert A. Nofchissey, Jacqueline R. Salazar, Publio Gonzalez, Samuel M. Goodfellow, Jonathan L. Dunnum, Steven B. Bradfute, Blas Armién, Joseph A. Cook, Daryl B. Domman, Darrell L. Dinwiddie

The phylogeny was built with the GTR+GAMMA model with 10,000 ultrafast bootstraps and 10,000 bootstraps for the SH-aLRT. LANV, BCCV, ELMCV, and NYV were limited to just the complete S and M segments.

