pone.0293943.g005.tif (747.79 kB)

antiSMASH 6.1.1 analysis of the P. rodasii RIT 836 genome.

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posted on 2024-02-27, 18:56 authored by Serena Tuytschaevers, Leila Aden, Zacchaeus Greene, Chanei Nixon, Wade Shaw, Dillan Hatch, Girish Kumar, Renata Rezende Miranda, André O. Hudson

Region 1.2 of RIT 836’s genome contains an aryl polyene-related BGC (A) and region 2.2 of RIT 838’s genome contains a terpene-related BGC (B). Cluster 2 of Region 1 (474,448–531,049 nt. within Region 1) is 94% identical to gene clusters known from Xenorhabdus doucetiae. Cluster 2 of Region 2 (800,457–824,027 nt. within Region 1) is 100% identical to gene clusters known from Enterobacteriaceae bacterium DC260. Legend: core biosynthetic genes = dark red; additional biosynthetic genes = rose-red; regulatory genes = green; transport related genes = blue; unknown function = dark grey; and resistance = light grey.
