pgen.1010012.s004.tif (662.98 kB)

Xenopus fibrillarin is required for small ribosomal subunit synthesis.

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posted on 2022-01-18, 18:42 authored by Jonathan Delhermite, Lionel Tafforeau, Sunny Sharma, Virginie Marchand, Ludivine Wacheul, Ruben Lattuca, Simon Desiderio, Yuri Motorin, Eric Bellefroid, Denis L. J. Lafontaine

Total RNA extracted from stage 32 embryos injected into each cell at the 2-cell stage with fbl MO or with a non-targeting MO (Ctrl) was separated on denaturing agarose gel and processed for northern blotting with radioactively-labeled probes designed to detect pre-rRNA precursors. As a control, non-injected embryos were used. A, Ethidium-bromide-stained gel. Note that the mature 18S and 28S rRNAs appear as doublets, as previously described [83]. B, Northern blot analysis of pre-rRNA intermediates detected with probes specific to the 5’-ETS, the ITS1, and mature 18S rRNA (see panel C). C, Processing pathway in Xenopus [38]. Cleavage sites (A’ to 5) are indicated. The probes used in the northern blotting (panel B) are highlighted in color.

