pbio.3001230.s005.tif (1.65 MB)

Srl knockdown prevents ATGL rescue of dextran uptake.

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posted on 2021-05-04, 17:51 authored by Aleksandra Lubojemska, M. Irina Stefana, Sebastian Sorge, Andrew P. Bailey, Lena Lampe, Azumi Yoshimura, Alana Burrell, Lucy Collinson, Alex P. Gould

(A) Delg or Srl knockdown decreases mitochondrial volume in STD nephrocytes. Quantitation of mitochondrial volumes (as % of cell volume) of STD pericardial nephrocytes for control (Dot>ctrl), Dot>Delg[i] and Dot> Srl[i] larvae. (B) Confocal panels show 10-kDa and 500-kDa dextran uptake in ex vivo pericardial nephrocytes of control (Dot>ctrl) and Dot>ATGL; Srl[i] larvae on HFD. The dextran signals of both genotypes, imaged within the same field of view, are comparable. Graph shows small but significant decrease in 10-kDa and 500-kDa dextran uptake between control (Dot>ctrl) and Dot>ATGL; Srl[i] larvae on HFD. Note that in the absence of Srl knockdown, ATGL significantly increases dextran uptake on HFD. See S1 Data for details of p-values and the type of statistical model used for all graphs in this study. S2 Data provides the source data used for all graphs and statistical analyses. ATGL, adipose triglyceride lipase; HFD, high-fat diet; Srl, Spargel; STD, standard diet.

