ppat.1009654.g005.tif (1.25 MB)

Mundinia development in the biting midge C. sonorensis.

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posted on 2021-06-11, 17:32 authored by Tomas Becvar, Barbora Vojtkova, Padet Siriyasatien, Jan Votypka, David Modry, Petr Jahn, Paul Bates, Simon Carpenter, Petr Volf, Jovana Sadlova

Intensity (A, C, E) and localization (B, D, F) of L. enriettii (ENR), L. macropodum (MAC), L. sp. strain GH5 from Ghana (GHA), L. orientalis (ORI) and L. martiniquensis (MAR/MAR1, MAR/Cu1, MAR/Cu2, MAR/Aig1) infections assessed by light microscopy. SV, stomodeal valve; AMG, abdominal midgut; TMG, thoracic midgut; E. sp., endoperitrophic space; PBM, post blood meal. Intensity of infection (parasite load) was categorized as light, <100 parasites per gut; moderate, 100–1000 parasites per gut and heavy, >1000 parasites per gut. Numbers of dissected females are written above the columns. Differences among Leishmania species/strains were significant on day 3 PBM (P < 0.0001, X2 = 181.173, d.f. = 21), day 6 PBM (P < 0.0001, X2 = 70.048, d.f. = 21) and day 10 PBM (P < 0.0001, X2 = 117.932, d.f. = 21).
