pone.0262046.g001.tif (171.73 kB)

In vivo tolerability evaluation with modified McDonald Shadduck scoring (mMS).

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posted on 2022-01-10, 18:23 authored by Allison A. Fuchs, Praveen K. Balne, Elizabeth A. Giuliano, Nishant R. Sinha, Rajiv R. Mohan

In safety evaluation, no significant difference in mMS scores between naïve eyes of Group-2 and unwounded eyedrop-treated eyes of Group-4 up to 28 days was observed. Conversely, alkali wounded eyes of Group-1 showed significant difference in mMS compared to the eyes of Group-3 at day-14 and day-28 (n = 6 for each group; @ = p value <0.01; # = p value <0.001).
