pone.0262667.g002.tif (871.09 kB)

In-silico predicted proteases.

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posted on 2022-01-19, 18:31 authored by Eleni Petra, Justyna Siwy, Antonia Vlahou, Joachim Jankowski

(A) The 24 predicted proteases which possibly involved in the endogenous cleavage of the CKD-associated peptides are presented. Of these 24, 16 proteases had > 1% of cleavage events and are highlighted in red and green colours. Eleven metalloproteinases (highlighted in red) and 5 serine proteases (highlighted in green) are presented. (B) Heatmap of the log2 transformed abundance of the differentially excreted peptides grouped based on the predicted proteases. These peptides were used as substrates by the 16 shortlisted proteases. (C) Heatmap of the shortlisted proteases with their calculated activity score. The activated proteases are highlighted in red whereas the deactivated proteases are highlighted in green.
