pgen.1009441.s001.tif (4.58 MB)

Donson expression in the embryonic telencephalon.

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posted on 2021-03-19, 17:36 authored by Sathish Venkataramanappa, Dagmar Schütz, Friederike Saaber, Praveen Ashok Kumar, Philipp Abe, Stefan Schulz, Ralf Stumm

(A) In situ hybridizations for Donson using a digoxigenin-labeled probe on coronal E11.5 brain sections. Donson transcripts are detected in the proliferation zones of the telencephalon and thalamus. (B) The scatter plot demonstrates gating to define a GFP- tdT- population (1) and a GFP+ tdThigh population (3) in dissociated dorsal telencephalon of E12.5 Tbr2 reporter mice. Histograms show GFP and tdT signals in populations (1) and (3) as % of maximum. Abbreviations: Ctx, cerebral cortex; DP and MP, dorsal and medial pallium; MaZ; mantle zone of ventral telencephalon; mGE and lGE, medial and lateral ganglionic eminence; mPO, medial preoptic area; Th, thalamus. Scale bar: 350 μm (a.).

