pone.0254945.g002.tif (690.23 kB)

DRB1~DQB1 Class II haplotype frequencies in Africans and Europeans control populations.

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posted on 2021-08-09, 17:29 authored by Douglas S. Goodin, Jorge R. Oksenberg, Venceslas Douillard, Pierre-Antoine Gourraud, Nicolas Vince

African control frequencies are taken from Gragert, et al. [28] whereas European control frequencies are taken from the WTCCC [13, 29]. Predominantly African haplotypes are highlighted in orange whereas predominantly European haplotypes are highlighted in yellow (see Text). Haplotype of uncertain origin, either because of a similar frequency in both groups (03:01_02:01) or because of ambiguities (see below) are highlighted in green. In the Table, (0) indicates true zero. Only Class II haplotypes for the CEHs with ≥12 representations in the AA cohort (see Fig 3) are listed. Ratios are of the haplotype frequency in Europeans controls (from the WTCCC) to that in Africans. ∞ = infinity. Significance of the difference in Class II haplotype frequency between Africans and Europeans are indicated as follows:

*        10−4 ≤ p < 0.05

**    10−8 ≤ p < 10−4

†        10−12 ≤ p < 10−8

††*    p < 10−12

As noted in the legend of Fig 1, it appears that the Class II haplotypes DRB1*07:01_DQB1*02:02 and DRB1*09:01_DQB1*02:02 in the WTCCC data are consistently identified in both African and European populations as DRB1*07:01_DQB1*02:01 and DRB1*09:01_DQB1*02:01, respectively, in the data of Gragert and colleagues [28]–see Text. If these Class II haplotypes are, in fact, the same, there is no significant difference in the frequency of the Class II haplotype DRB1*07:01_DQB1*02:01 in Africans (9.6%) and the frequency of DRB1*07:01_DQB1*02:02 in Europeans (9.2%). By contrast, in this case, the Class II haplotype DRB1*09:01_DQB1*02:01* is significantly more common in Africans (2.7%) than the haplotype DRB1*07:01_DQB1*02:02 in Europeans (0.01%)–p < 10−12.

*        10−4 ≤ p < 0.05

**    10−8 ≤ p < 10−4

†        10−12 ≤ p < 10−8

††*    p < 10−12
