ppat.1012031.s001.tif (210.53 kB)

C. albicans zinc-associated genes are more highly expressed in the absence of IECs.

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posted on 2024-03-01, 21:04 authored by Jakob L. Sprague, Tim B. Schille, Stefanie Allert, Verena Trümper, Adrian Lier, Peter Großmann, Emily L. Priest, Antzela Tsavou, Gianni Panagiotou, Julian R. Naglik, Duncan Wilson, Sascha Schäuble, Lydia Kasper, Bernhard Hube

Expression of the genes involved in zinc transport (ZRT101, ZRT2, ZRT3, ZRC1), zinc scavenging (PRA1), and regulation of zinc acquisition genes (ZAP1). Log2(fold-change) compares infected samples to the yeast pre-culture conditions on the left and medium-only samples to the yeast pre-culture conditions on the right. Asterisks indicate time points with significantly expression changes (DESeq2 p < 0.05).

