pone.0247513.g002.tif (585.22 kB)

Acinetobacter spp. AB569 Average MIC/FIC.

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posted on 2021-03-03, 18:41 authored by Amy L. Bogue, Warunya Panmanee, Cameron T. McDaniel, Joel E. Mortensen, Edwin Kamau, Luis A. Actis, Jay A. Johannigman, Michael J. Schurr, Latha Satish, Nalinikanth Kotagiri, Daniel J. Hassett

Average FIC index results, average FIC, and MIC concentrations. Yellow wells indicate typical bacterial growth, blue indicates well that represents FIC with inhibited bacterial growth, and white wells indicated inhibited bacterial growth. EDTA concentrations are noted on the left, A-NO2- concentrations are annotated on the bottom, media only column 12 is listed on the bottom, and media plus bacteria column 11 is listed on the bottom. Each experiment was performed at least 3 times.
