Figure_1.tif (227.31 kB)

XRD pattern of five adsorbent composites: (a) uncalcined Fe3O4-HBC composite, (b) 400°C under air, (c) 400°C under nitrogen, (d) 1000°C under air, and (e) 1000°C under nitrogen. Different XRD peaks are also marked.

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posted on 2014-06-26, 03:20 authored by Shams Ali Baig, TianTian Sheng, Chen Sun, XiaoQin Xue, LiSha Tan, XinHua Xu

XRD pattern of five adsorbent composites: (a) uncalcined Fe3O4-HBC composite, (b) 400°C under air, (c) 400°C under nitrogen, (d) 1000°C under air, and (e) 1000°C under nitrogen. Different XRD peaks are also marked.
