Figure_3.tif (144.06 kB)

Three representative examples of 90 profiles of chlorophyll fluorescence taken over 3 months in the eastern English Channel.

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posted on 2013-05-07, 02:33 authored by James G. Mitchell, Laurent Seuront, Mark J. Doubell, Dusan Losic, Nicolas H. Voelcker, Justin Seymour, Ratnesh Lal

They are from 23/3/04 (a), 26/5/04 (b) and 20/6/04 (c). Fluorescence measurements are in relative arbitrary units (a.u.). Expanded sections of b, showing the regularity of peak spacing (d) and the variety of peak width and height (e). The baseline is 25 times below the highest peak. Noise levels were under 200 a.u.
