Fig_4.tif (710.35 kB)

Plasmodium vivax mdr1 combined with flanking microsatellite variation in P. vivax samples collected at 9 malaria endemic districts of Sri Lanka.

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posted on 2015-11-05, 04:31 authored by Mette L. Schousboe, Samir Ranjitkar, Rupika S. Rajakaruna, Priyanie H. Amerasinghe, Francisco Morales, Richard Pearce, Rosalyn Ord, Toby Leslie, Mark Rowland, Nahla B. Gadalla, Flemming Konradsen, Ib C. Bygbjerg, Cally Roper, Michael Alifrangis

The size of the pie charts reflects the sample size, while the segments illustrate the frequency of combined Pvmdr SNP+ microsatellite haplotypes. Grey color segment indicates the proportion of the sample which consisted of unique 'singleton' haplotypes while the other colors indicate the proportion of each repeated haplotype. The black lines indicate sharing of a specific haplotype between two sites and multiple lines indicate the number of haplotypes shared between given sites.
