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Phylogram showing the genetic relationships between the studied Cryptococcus gattii isolates.

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posted on 2014-08-18, 03:15 authored by Carolina Firacative, Shuyao Duan, Wieland Meyer

Dendrogram based on the maximum likelihood analysis of the concatenated seven ISHAM consensus MLST loci (8) using the program MEGA version 5.05 [51]. Bootstrap values higher than 50 are shown above the branches. Source, country, major molecular type, sequence type (ST), mating type and virulence of the strains in the Galleria model are indicated. Colour of the labels indicates clinical (black), veterinary (red) and environmental (green) strains; * mating type a, all others are mating type alpha; two letter country abbreviation (AR = Argentina, AU = Australia, BR = Brazil, CA = Canada, CO = Colombia, ES = Spain, IN = India, IT = Italy, NZ = New Zealand, PG = Papua New Guinea, TH = Thailand, US = USA, and ZA = South Africa); crosses represent more virulent (+++), similarly virulent (++), and less virulent strains (+), compared with the highly virulent VGIIa Vancouver Island outbreak strain CDCR265. Dash represents avirulent strains.
