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Pharmacological characterization of TiPSC-CMs.

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posted on 2014-01-21, 03:38 authored by Tomohisa Seki, Shinsuke Yuasa, Dai Kusumoto, Akira Kunitomi, Yuki Saito, Shugo Tohyama, Kojiro Yae, Yoshikazu Kishino, Marina Okada, Hisayuki Hashimoto, Makoto Takei, Toru Egashira, Masaki Kodaira, Yusuke Kuroda, Atsushi Tanaka, Shinichiro Okata, Tomoyuki Suzuki, Mitsushige Murata, Jun Fujita, Keiichi Fukuda

(A) Effect of isoproterenol on beating frequency of EBs derived from T07 was shown. The left traces show representative FPs for the various concentrations of isoproterenol. The right graph summarizes the changes in beating frequency by isoproterenol. Error bars show means ± s.d. (B) Effect of E4031 on FP wave form of beating EBs derived from T07 was shown. The left traces show representative FPs for the various concentrations of E4031. The right graph summarizes the changes in FPD by E4031. Error bars show means ± s.d. (C) Effect of verapamil on FP wave form of beating EBs derived from T07 was shown. The left traces show representative FPs for the various concentrations of verapamil. The right graph summarizes the changes in FPD by verapamil. Error bars show means ± s.d. Statistical analyses were performed using the unpaired two-tailed Student's t test (*P<0.05; **P<0.01).
