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PML and SATB1 staining results in relation to HLA class I in EBV+ cHL (n = 54).

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posted on 2013-08-29, 07:04 authored by Yuxuan Liu, Anke van den Berg, Rianne Veenstra, Bea Rutgers, Ilja Nolte, Gustaaf van Imhoff, Lydia Visser, Arjan Diepstra

(A) The percentage of EBV+ cHL with >10 PML-NBs significantly increased from HLA class I negative to normal and strong positive cHL cases (p = 0.002, Chi-square). Post-hoc test indicated that the percentage of EBV+ cHL cases with >10 PML-NBs differs significantly between HLA class I negative and strong positive or normal and strong positive cHL cases. (B) Correlation of the number of PML-NBs with nuclear size in 120 HRS cells from 6 different cases (three with low number and three with a high number of PML-NBs). There is a weak negative correlation between the number of PML-NBs and size of the tumor cell nucleus (P = 0.01). (C) The percentage of SATB1 positive HRS cells in EBV+ cHL cases with negative, normal or strong HLA class I staining pattern differ significantly (p = 0.046, Kruskal-Wallis test). Dunn’s multiple comparison test indicated a significant difference specifically between the HLA class I normal and strong staining groups. The median SATB1 percentage is indicated in each group. White symbols indicate the cases with no or weakly positive SATB1 staining, whereas black symbols indicate cases with positive SATB1 staining.
