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Migration assay of bone marrow derived macrophages.

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posted on 2014-12-18, 03:34 authored by Hua Huang, Pirkko Koelle, Markus Fendler, Angelika Schroettle, Michael Czihal, Ulrich Hoffmann, Peter Jan Kuhlencordt

A. Bone marrow derived macrophages were stained with fluorochrome labeled anti-F4/80 and anti-CD36 antibodies. Fluorescence intensity was analysed by flow cytometry. B. Migrated RAW264.7 cells on the lower side of the membrane were stained with DAPI and counted under a fluorescence microscope using a ×10 objective. Representitive pictures of each treatment group. C. Migration of oxLDL treated cells was significantly reduced compared to unstimulated cells. Migration of oxLDL treated cells was significantly different compared to Nicotinic acid 1 mM, Nicotinamide 1 mM and 3 mM. (*, P<0.05, n = 5).
